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↓ 360° VR Cathedral of Syracuse Italy Sicily Virtual Walk Tour 5K

Piazza Duomo, 5, , Italy

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The Cathedral of Syracuse (Duomo di Siracusa), formally the Cattedrale metropolitana della Natività di Maria Santissima, is an ancient Catholic church in Syracuse, Sicily, the seat of the Catholic Archdiocese of Siracusa. Its structure is originally a Greek doric temple, and for this reason it is included in a UNESCO World Heritage Site designated in 2005.[1]

The cathedral stands in the city’s historic core on Ortygia Island.

The cathedral stands as an major element of the historic core of Syracuse. Since 2005, the entire city of Syracuse, along with the Necropolis of Pantalica, was listed as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO. This programme aims to catalogue, name and conserve sites of outstanding cultural or natural importance to the common heritage of humanity.

The deciding committee which evaluates potential candidates described their reasons for choosing Syracuse because “monuments and archeological sites situated in Syracuse are the finest example of outstanding architectural creation spanning several cultural aspects; Greek, Roman and Baroque”, following on that Ancient Syracuse was “directly linked to events, ideas and literary works of outstanding universal significance”.[5]


Address: Piazza Duomo, 5
State/County: , ,
Country: Italy
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